Athletic Excellence Fund

Post date: Jan 31, 2014 12:2:30 PM

SportNL in partnership with the Provincial Government has launched the Athletic Excellence fund which has now streamlined the following funding programs into one application:Sport Newfoundland and Labrador Scholarships/Bursaries

Funded by Sport Newfoundland and Labrador, the purpose of this program is to provide financial assistance to qualifying amateur athletes, coaches and or officials to help offset the costs of training and competition.

Premier’s Athletic Awards

The Premier’s Athletic Awards is a program designed to recognize athletic excellence of the province’s athletes. Financial support is provided to selected athletes to help with costs incurred through training and competition. Athletes must be currently training and competing in the sport indicated with the intention to continue training upon receipt of their award.

Team Gushue Award

Presented annually during the Premier’s Athletic Awards reception, the Team Gushue Award recognizes academic and athletic excellence. The award was established in 2007 in recognition of Team Gushue’s gold medal victory at the 2006 Winter Olympic Games. The award is presented to one male and one female athlete who are currently attending or planning to attend a recognized post-secondary institution and have competed in a national or international level sporting competition in their last competitive season.

Elite Athlete Assistance Program

The Elite Athlete Assistance Program provides support to high performance provincial athletes that have been selected for a national team. Financial support is provided to select athletes to support the costs incurred through training and competition and must be used for this purpose only.

Please visit the following links for more information and to download the application form.